Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Blocked template for those Multiple Photo layouts

Hi, I have a fun blocked template to share today that is straight forward but very versatile.  If you have a group of themed photos this one might be a good fit.  Here is my sketch.

I am fortunate enough to have a yard that allows me to have a nice flower garden.  I decided to put a few of my favorite pictures in a layout.  Here is my garden page.

I have also used this template for a themed page that didn't focus on photos.  I moved a few of the elements around and got the following look.

This layout was all about love and I filled by block with all kinds of hearts.  The one photo in the layout was placed with a heart mask.  There are all kinds of possibilities to explore.

If you would like the template you can download it from the link below.  The file contains PSD, TIF and PNG files.  Hope you enjoy it!
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Diamond Template to Share!

Hi, today I have a template to share that was inspired by a challenge I participated in at ScrapMatters.  We were asked to create a layout based on inspiration we got from an advertisement that contained several geometric shapes.  After looking at the ad and the flow of the shapes I decided to build a page with diamond shapes.  Here is my sketch.

I created a layout for the challenge using a beautiful kit by Stolen Moments and Forever Joy called Petticoat Rose.  Here is my page.

I love the pretty almost muted colors in this kit and how them blended together on the page.  If you would like the template you can download it from the link below.  The download file contains PSD, TIF and PNG files.  Hope you enjoy it!

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Free Mini Kit - ScrapMatters July Color Challenge

Hi, I have been playing along with the color challenges at ScrapMatters.  This month has a fun color palette.  Here is my mini kit to share called Serendipity.

I created a layout with the Serendipity mini kit.  Here is my page.

If you'd like the mini kit you can download it using the link below.  Hope you enjoy it!
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Free Mini Kit - Summer Sherbet

I absolutely love the color palette for this month's color challenge at ScrapMatters.  It's gorgeous.  The colors are cool and icy and remind me of sherbet.  Um--yummy!  So here is my mini kit to share.

I did a layout with the mini kit.  This is my dear Maggie, a bit of a tired dog here since she never seems to stop playing until she is exhausted.

Click the link below to download Summer Sherbet mini kit.  Hope you enjoy it!
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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Free Mini Kit - May 2013 Color Challenge

Today I have a mini kit to share that I created for the ScrapMatters May 2013 Color Challenge.  Kim Broedelet hosts the challenge each month and it's been fun participating since she comes up with the most beautiful color combinations.  Here is the preview of my mini kit.

You can download the mini kit below.  I upgraded my MediaFire account so there is no more bothersome ads.  Yeah!  Hope you enjoy it.

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

LDrag Designs Big Birthday Sale April 20th!!

Lina is having a big birthday sale April 20th at ScrapMatters you won't want to miss!!

The sale is only for one day, 4-20-13, so make sure to stop by and check it out!

Monday, April 15, 2013

ScrapMatters April Color Challenge Mini Kit - Free

Today I have another mini kit to share.  This month I participated in the ScrapMatters April Color Challenge and had a great time with the beautiful color palette chosen by Kim Brodelette.  Here is my mini kit preview.

If you would like to download the mini kit please use the links below.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

ScrapMatters Color Challenge Mini Kit - Free!

I have been dabbling in digital design and have enjoyed the process immensely.  This month I decided to participate in the ScrapMatters monthly Color Challenge hosted by Kim Broedelet.  She provides a color swatch and participants are to create a layout using the colors or create a mini kit to share.  This month I took the plunge and created a mini kit.  Here is the preview.

If you would like the mini kit, you may download it using the link below.
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Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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