Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Hexagon Template to share!

Hi, Dolores here to share a new template.  The hexagon shape has been so popular, I have seen several beautiful templates that use this shape.  It has inspired me to create a template of my own utilizing hexagons.  I love mixing papers in a scrapbook page and building a background from multiple shapes is an easy way to do that.  Here is my page featuring my sweet lab Maggie.

Never have we had a dog that liked toys more than Maggie.  She will pick up as many as she can, in the the picture above 3 toys, and follow you around until you spend a little time playing fetch with her.  I created this page using a beautiful kit witl lovely Spring colors from Sherwood Studio called "A Sunny Disposition."  Here is the preview of the template.

I created the template in PhotoShop CS5.  You can dowload it at the file sharing site below.

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Have some fun experimenting with hexagons.  Enjoy the template!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Captured with Love released today!

LDrag Designs has a beautiful new kit out today, Captured with Love.  Its a lovely kit with lots of fun details, a touch of vintage and warm colors.

Lina has created some beautiful extras to go with this kit.  I created a layout featuring a picutre of my niece using her borders and clustered frames

The colors in this kit were just right for the warm feeling in this photo.  The vivid flowers are such a nice touch and Lina has a really nice alpha in this kit.  Don't mis out on this one!  It's on sale this weekend!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Quilt inspired Template!

There are lots of templates these days with geometric designs.  I created one to share today that is inspired by a quilt.  Since we just celebrated Mother's Day I have been thinking about my mother and grandmother.  Both were excellent seamstresses and my grandmother loved quilts, so my template today has the look of a quilt.  Here is my page.

This page was created using a pretty kit by Elise's Pieces called "Young Love."  The bright cheery colors and pretty hearts and flowers prints remind me of quit fabrics my grandmother loved.  They are very heartwarming.  Here is the sketch for the page.

If you would like the PhotoShop template for this page you can download it for the file sharing site below.

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Hope you enjoy the template!  Thanks for stopping by and Happy Scrapping!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Super Maniac Monday Sale on Lemonade!!

If you haven't had a chance to pick up this fun kit, Lemonade, by LDrag Designs now is your chance to get it on SALE at ScrapMatters.  It is part of the Maniac Monday Sale!!  You know what that means, great deals so don't miss this one!!  

I love the yummy colors and delicate flowers in the kit.   A perfect kit for summer moments.  Here is a page I created to share.

Have a great week!  Enjoy scrapping!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A fun Template to Share!

Today I want to share a template that is a little more versatile.  I think some templates just lend themselves to rotating the page layout for a different look.  This simple design is just the kind of page that looks great from more than one perspective.  Here are my layouts.

This page I created with a cool kit by Penny Springmann called "Family Time."  Check out Penny's Facebook page as it is a freebie download this month!  She has some fun PhotoShop brushes included in the kit which I really enjoyed using. 

For this second layout I rotated my template 90 degrees.  I think this looks is just as appealing as the original design.  I created this page with an elegant kit by LDrag Designs called "Timeless." The soft colors are just right for the mood of the page.  Here is a sketch of the template design.

You can download the PhotoShop template from the file sharing site below:

Link Expired

Thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy Scrapping!

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