Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lots of Hearts for Valentine Pages

My friend Pam Callahan who is always creative and thus inspires me to try new things did a wonderful page using shadows to create pleats in a digital layout.  Here is the digital template I am referring to which is posted over at Pam's Ideas for Scrapbookers blog where I am a contributor.  I loved the 3D effect she achieved with the shadows and was working on a digital page for a challenge at Sweet Shop Designs.  I decided to try some shadows to make a background of hearts look 3D.  Here is my layout titled "Loved by You".

I created the layout using a limited edition collaboration kit called Helping Hands put together by a number of awesome designers.  While the kit is no longer available I have to admit my favorite digital resource for kits is Sweet Shop Designs.  There is lots of great talent there and where ever there is exceptional talent there is always the opportunity to learn new things.

I had fun creating my background of hearts and thought it could be used for a number of different layouts so I decided to share the background with you. Here is a basic sketch of the heart background.

I have created a file in PhotoShop Elements (PSD) to share.  It has a background layer, a layer for the hearts and a layer for the shadows.  If you would like the file you can download it, just click the file name below.
Take a moment to tell someone you care about that you love them.  Have a fabulous Valentine's Day!

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