Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Wave Template for those Water pictures!

I have been enjoying our puppy, Maggie, however she is growing up too fast! At just over 5 months she is about 50 pounds.  We have found that she loves to play in water, any water, whether it is a sprinkler, puddle, garden hose or her water dish.  We had a kids pool stashed away and pulled it out to see what she would do.  Watching her play was hesterical.  I took photos as best I could (she didn't stay still for very long).  I put a few of them together to create this layout which I titles "Splish Splash."

This layout was done with a digi kit called "Daydream Believer" by Kristin Cronin-Barrow at Sweet Shop Designs.  I just love her work!  If you'd like to try creating a layout with some of your water pictures, I have  a .PSD file of the main wave elements that is available for download  Expired.

For my paper scrapbook friends, here is a .jpg file you can print and use to cut out those waves.  Just cut out the left and right wavy pieces and place them on top of a colorful background paper. 

Hope you will enjoy using this fun template shape with those swimming, beach and fun backyard water games kids like to play.  Thanks for stopping by.

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